Behind The Scenes: Santa’s Sorting Office | Santa’s Post Office
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Santa's Post Office
Santa's Post Office
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Behind The Scenes: Santa’s Sorting Office

Greetings, dear readers! It's always that time of the year for the North Pole- it constantly buzzes with excitement, as the workshop hums with the sound of busy little elves crafting magic for the big day. As Santa's Head Elf, I'm thrilled to give you an insider's peek into the enchanting world behind the scenes- today I am in our sorting office.

Each day in the North Pole from sunrise to sunset (or what passes for it in our wintry wonderland), we elves are hard at work, ensuring that every toy is crafted with love and precision. Mornings begin with a flurry of activity, even at this time of year, as we focus on caring for the reindeer after their tiring December and preparing our letters for this Christmas. We have a break and play outside in the snow then come back in to warm up with hot chocolate! Some days I am in the workshop, making toys in the afternoon, but recently I have been helping the main man himself to start to reply to all your post!

Our main role during this time of year is clearing the sorting office and preparing for this year’s post. We are very busy and so need to be ready for the festive season!! When you enter the sorting room, you'll witness a carefully orchestrated production line of letters, as we organise the precious post we receive from children around the world, throughout the entire year! Each letter is carefully sorted and categorised, to make sure Santa sends the replies to the child in the correct place. The letters, adorned with colourful drawings and containing scrawls, scribbles and sentences, are one of the highlights of our job- we love to hear from you all!

To show how much we appreciate your letters, we send our replies every year at Christmas time. In order to do this, parents must contact us in the North Pole to arrange for us to do so. This is because not everyone would like a reply and unfortunately our Reindeer are not trained in letter delivery, so there is a small price to pay for a treasurable and magical moment. We have a wide range of different letters and templates so that there will be one to suit everyone!

To find out more about our beautiful and traditional letters, visit our website today to browse the range