Unlock The Magic Of Christmas: Santa’s Magic Key
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Unlock The Magic Of Christmas: Santa’s Magic Key

Unlock the magic of Christmas with Santa Claus’ Magic Key- our unique and high quality accessory for the night before Christmas. Christmas Eve is the peak of anticipation and excitement ahead of the big day- especially for children. The stockings are hung up and mince pies and carrots are carefully placed onto a plate, so why not extend the experience further with leaving a key for the main man in red. The foundation of Christmas and the festive season is traditions, as this allows for timeless memories to be created year after year by your family. This Santa key is the gateway to a new cherishable tradition, as your children will be enthralled, when hanging their personalised magic key ready for Santa’s arrival.


The beautifully ornate magic key can be left out on your porch or door handle, so that Santa can get into your home to deliver your presents. This is especially effective if you don’t have a chimney or if you live in an apartment and your children have questions as to how he will enter your home on Christmas Eve. It is completely safe as it ‘only works for Santa’, so it cannot open any door, as the magic doesn’t extend past Father Christmas’ control.


It comes with a thoughtfully designed card, attached by candy cane inspired string. It is embossed with a gold stamp of approval and signature from Santa and the chief Elf. Our enchanting brass key can be for Santa Claus or Father Christmas, whatever your child calls him, adding another layer of authenticity. The key is the perfect accessory for your Christmas eve celebrations, and can be personalised with your loved ones full name, so that it arrives made just for them.


With a low price but high quality, we demonstrate how memory-making doesn’t need to come at a high cost. Especially crucial in the current economy, with the cost of living crisis, not everything needs to be expensive to become a treasured memory. This can be passed through generations, as your child can keep the key for their own children in the future. This beautiful tradition immerses the whole family in festive spirit as it perfectly rounds up the Christmas Eve preparations.

Order the Santa key online today, and complete the form to personalise the accompanying message for Santa. To complete the rest of your Christmas experience, browse our range of festive products today.