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Enhance The Christmas Countdown


The countdown to Christmas seems far away, but it is never too early to start your preparations for the festive season. In fact, upon this time of post-christmas reflection, it offers the perfect opportunity to consider the things you wish to change or keep the same for the next year. Maybe you’re leaving the Christmas season feeling tired and drained from your hectic schedule and are considering how to make next year a more relaxed affair for everyone- even Santa’s helpers.


The build up to Christmas is often overlooked in favour of the main day, however over recent years, the popularity of the countdown throughout December has grown. Why concentrate all the excitement onto one day? It can leave you feeling immense pressure to craft this perfect isolated day, when distributing the excitement in the lead up to Christmas is not only easier, but reduces the intensity of the one day. Spreading the joy throughout the month can create a sustainable festive atmosphere, meaning you are not exhausted by the end of the 25th. 


Elf on the shelf is the most recent trend for the build up to Christmas, but it can be difficult to generate new ideas for every one of the 25 days. This is where Santa’s Elf Experience Box can assist you, as it offers 25 personalised letters and tasks to complete in the run up to the big day. You can use these in conjunction with your family’s elf, to create countless magical memories, while taking away the stress of conjuring elaborate elf schemes. This enchanting parcel will sprinkle some festive fun on every day of December, leading up to Christmas Eve.


Each child can receive this special package from Santa, containing daily series, activities, riddles and assignments to fuel the festive period. Furthermore, once these have all been completed, your child can receive their ‘Honorary Elf’ personalised certificate. This encourages quality time with your children and also promotes family activities, which will become treasured memories for your child as they grow up. Promoting gratitude, the daily letters encourage an enthusiasm for experiences and memory-making opposed to materialistic gain. It also supports playtime away from technology and cleverly encourages creative-thinking and problem-solving, as they figure out puzzles and play the games. 

Purchase our Elf Experience online today, so you can have a stress-free winter this year, knowing that your little elves will be entertained and engaged with Santa’s help.